Eric's Bookmarks are the greatest collection of bookmarked URLs available on the Internet. Eric's Bookmarks make navigating the web easier by providing an organized listing of Internet sites and resources, all available via the Netscape 2.0 Bookmarks menu. Eric's Bookmarks contain bookmarked URLs to hundreds of companies, organizations, magazines, publications, software archives, search engines, news, sports, weather, entertainment, educational, banking, government, references libraries and Internet directories.
How do I Install Eric's Bookmarks?
Installing Eric's Bookmarks is easy. First make sure you have Netscape 2.0 or later installed. Next open the Preferences folder located inside the System folder. Then find and open the Netscape folder. If a file called "Bookmarks.html" already exists in this location simply drag it to the desktop. Next, copy Eric's Bookmarks into the Netscape folder, close the preferences folder and launch Netscape. Once Netscape launches going to the Bookmark menu causes Eric's Bookmarks to be displayed.
How do I add my own Bookmarks to Eric's Bookmarks?
You can add your own Bookmarks to Eric's Bookmarks by choosing Bookmarks from the Netscape Window menu and then importing your old bookmarks via the File menu.
You can also request to have a URL added to future versions of Eric's Bookmarks by choosing "Add URL" from the Eric's Bookmarks menu item.
Are Eric's Bookmarks free?
No. If you wish to remain using Eric's Bookmarks after the initial 30 day trial period you must pay your Shareware fee. You can do this by choosing "Pay Shareware Fee" from the Eric's Bookmarks menu item.
How can I subscribe to future versions of Eric's Bookmarks?
To subscribe to future versions of Eric's Bookmarks choose "Subscribe to Eric's Bookmarks" from the Eric's Bookmarks menu item and complete the form. Subscribers who have not payed their shareware fee are not guaranteed to receive future releases.
Can I redistribute Eric's Bookmarks?
Eric's Bookmarks can be redistributed via network, or electronic media as long as the origional archive containing bookmarks, license and documentation is included and not edited in any way. For more information please review the enclosed Licensing Agreement.
In the Netscape 2.0 Bookmarks menu, why do some folders not display submenus?
Netscape only allows a certain number of folders to display submenus under the Bookmarks menu. If after importing your own bookmarks into Eric's Bookmarks, you may need to delete some folders in order to have submenus of other folders displayed.